致 Google Blogger Team 公开信的英文版
5/22/2009 12:35:00 下午 发帖者 流水弦歌
在此感谢我的好朋友 LiFang 帮助我翻译了致谷歌(中国)的公开信,我已将以下内容贴至 Google Blogger 的官方技术支持论坛,希望能够得到博客开发运营小组的一些反馈。
Blogspot were all-inclusive blocked by China GFW (How do I ?)
Blogspot were all-inclusive blocked by China GFW (Something Is Broken )
Dear manager/team of Google Blogger,
I am a loyal customer of Google Blogger and I would like to first thank you for providing us a wonderful experience and excellent support in using Blogger applications.
With that said, you’ve probably been aware of the situation that, since the afternoon of May 15, 2009, http://www.blogger.com, and all its sub-domains under *.blogspot.com, have been blocked by the Chinese government’s Great Fire Wall (GFW). As a result, no one in Mainland China can have access to these blogs, nor can anyone log into http://www.blogger.com to update/manage their profiles. Bloggers from Mainland China cannot update, comment or even visit their own blogs. This has created great frustration as well as irrevocable damage.
Granted, much of the dissatisfaction goes toward GFW, for it is hard to believe such large scale, all-inclusive blocking could be happening without any explanation.
Meanwhile, many bloggers, as victims, have come together, actively helping and supporting each other. Besides condemning GFW for its behavior, we would like our blogging service provider, Google Blogger, to take certain actions out of consideration of the common interests
between itself and its Chinese customers. From what I know, bloggers are critical users of Google AdSense, an advertising product whose income is closely associated, and hence affected by, visits from Mainland China users. Therefore, we hope Google can take some real action in order to improve the current situation for all its Google bloggers in China.
Realistically speaking, it is almost impossible to have an open dialogue with GFW or the government behind. If such blocking continues indefinitely, we hope Google blogger can provide https connection to http://www.blogger.com and its sub-domain *.blogspot.com, so that all Google bloggers can visit, manage their accounts via the encrypted connection, and all the related service including PageRank, Google Analytics, Google AdSense, etc, will not be affected. If you are interested, I would like to discuss more details in further communications.
It is my hope that this letter can reach to whom it concerns and there will be a clear response from Google Blogger Team.
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