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JS-Kit 开放 ECHO 评论系统的公开测试

8/03/2009 01:24:00 下午 发帖者 流水弦歌

  目前我在镜像网站采用的是 JS-Kit 的第三方评论系统,在不久的将来,这个评论系统将自动升级为下文提到的 ECHO 系统。我在前些天所写的《忧喜参半的一天》中对 JS-Kit 已有较多的介绍,这里不再赘述。就我目前使用的体验,这个系统相对 Blogger 自带的以及其他第三方的评论系统,具有以下方面的优势:

  (1)与博客自带的评论系统完美同步,不会出现安装或卸载了 JS-Kit 后评论丢失的情况;
  (2)安装简易,迁移便捷。Blogger 系统有自动安装支持,WordPress 系统有插件支持;
  (4)支持 OpenID,不需要单独注册用户,支持 Gravatar 头像,统一化的身份标识;
  (6)升级后的 Echo 可集成社会化网络对原文的所有评论回复,包括 Twitter,Facebook,FriendFeed,Google Reader 等多方的回复信息,真正做到,“坐守一点,相关信息全在掌握”。

  昨天 Echo 的测试系统已经上线,我立刻尝试了官方站点上的公开测试页以及在 TechCrunch 上的测试页面,下图是我在 Twitter 上面对该文的链接进行锐推后,在该页面的留言区域所呈现的内容。朋友们可以看到,除了最下面一条是通过该页的评论输入框发布的,其他三则带有 @xiange 头像的,都是在 Twitter 中包含了该页的链接发布的(能够识别短地址服务)。在其他人的测试条目中,我也看到了来自 Facebook,FriendFeed,Google Reader 的相关回复条目。

  您也可以用您自己的各种社会化网络服务帐户到这两个页面进行测试,感受一下 ECHO 的强大功能。

  以下是我翻译了一部分 Echo 系统上线测试的通告和介绍,以同感兴趣的朋友分享。


  “We’re here today to announce the death of comments.”


  That’s what JS-Kit CEO Khris Loux said in his opening remarks at our Real-Time Stream CrunchUp earlier this month. He went on to unveil ECHO, JS-Kit’s new take on how conversations should be happening around content on the web. And today, we’re going to try a limited test of this new system on the TechCrunch Network.

  这是 JS-Kit 公司执行总裁 Khris Loux 在本月早期的实时数据流提取大会上所做的开场白,然后他隆重推出了 JS-Kit 公司的新产品——ECHO,并预示这个产品将开创引领未来网页会话内容传播的新模式。今天,我们可以有机会在 TechCrunch 的网站上尝试该系统的使用。

  To reiterate, this is just a test that will reside under only this post for the time-being, so let us know what you think.


  While at first glance, the comments you see below this post may look like a slight variation of any other commenting system, the reality is much different. Sure, a part of ECHO is made up by what we think of as traditional comments, that is, comments you fill out on a particular article and post to it. But the majority of the content in this commenting area will actually be populated from sources all around the web talking about this piece of content.


  For example, say users are talking about this article on Twitter. All of those tweets (that have the URL to this story attached), will be pulled into the commenting area. Same with Facebook, and Google, and Yahoo, and FriendFeed, and Digg, among others. And all of this will be populated in real-time.

  举例,比如某个用户正在 Twitter 上讨论该文,所有的锐推(只要包含该文的原始链接),都会显示在这里的回复区域里。同理,你也可以在 Facebook,Google,Yahoo,FriendFeed,Digg,等等多种网络服务中提及该文,这些评论也同样会实时显示在回复区域中。

  And it goes both ways. Maybe you’re making a comment here but you want it to go back to Twitter or Facebook, or maybe both. ECHO handles all of that. The idea is that it doesn’t matter where the conversation is taking place, just that it is taking place, around a specific piece of content.

  这包含双向的信息流,你也可以在此评论,使之呈现于 Twitter 或者 Facebook,或者反之,两者皆可。ECHO 系统可以完美地处理这一切。关键之处在于,用户所交流谈论的对话发生在何处并不重要,重要的是所有这些回复评论都是针对同一原文内容的讨论。

  The service that you may be familiar with that is most similar to this is the commenting system Disqus. But that is still first and foremost a commenting system that adds these social conversation elements as a secondary part. ECHO is all about combining it all in one steady stream. And we think that’s may be the right approach, because as you can see by the retweet numbers on some of our posts, conversations are increasingly happening outside of actual content, and there should be a way to lasso it all in to the central piece being talked about.

  你或许会感到这一理念与 Disqus 比较相似,不过 ECHO 仍然是第一个、也是迄今为止最重要的、将社会化网络的对话内容纳入到评论系统中。ECHO 将所有相关评论信息捆绑到同一个信息流中,我们认为这会是未来信息流发展的正确方向:你可以看到同一篇文章被锐推谈论的次数,有关的讨论对话不再局限于原文初始所在的位置,而是在更广泛的网络环境内被收集和追踪,并集中到同一点进行展示。

  Can such a system effectively replace the commenting structure that’s been in place basically since blogging began? That remains to be seen. It’s a pretty ambitious project, and one that is very much going to be about learning on the fly. The initial goal is to grab all of this content, and then refine how it’s displayed and presented, Loux tells us.

  这样一个充满创意的评论系统能够替代我们现有使用的传统式留言系统么?这还有待时间检验。ECHO 是一个野心勃勃的项目,它正大步向前,展翅待飞。它的首要目标就是抓取所有相关的内容,以最佳的方式展示呈现。

  For example, maybe it’s not too useful to see 600 retweets by default if none are really saying anything other than the title of the story. That would just be noise. So many those should be grouped together and tucked in a collapsed thread in the stream. That is something that the ECHO team is already working on.

  比如说,如果某篇文章有600+个锐推,大多数锐推除了原封不动保留了原文的标题,没有添加更多的内容。那么如果将这些重复的内容原样展示出来,对读者来说就不啻是恼人的噪音。因此 ECHO 系统会考虑将这些重复信息组合缩并起来,这是目前 ECHO 系统正在进行优化方面的努力之一。

  But then again, maybe some of those tweets are very useful as discussion elements on the site, so maybe you want those populated in the full stream. With so much data that will be coming in, it’s just hard to know for sure. And that’s why we’re just selectively testing it now, starting with this post on TechCrunch IT.

  然而另一方面,某些锐推的内容也许对于讨论是非常有益的,也许你希望将其完全展示出来。大量的信息将因此而全部罗列出来,对此所造成的影响是我们尚不能预料的。因此这也是你目前看到,我们的测试仅仅局限在 TechCrunch IT 网站上的缘故。

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