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重温《The Phantom Of The Opera》(歌剧魅影)

12/03/2009 12:52:00 上午 发帖者 流水弦歌


  有一天,我记得在我们排练小组三重唱的时候,S 总是哼着一段我从来没听过的旋律,他很夸张地(在我当时看来)带着一点唇齿摩擦的气声、用很鬼魅的腔调,将那几个 sen-sa-tion, im-a-gi-na-tion 颠来倒去地反复拖唱不已,尤其是唱到 Close your eyes 那段异常古怪的转调下行音阶,每次都怀疑他是不是唱走调了,然而到下一句 Close your eyes let your spirit start to soar~~ 的时候又总是感到豁然开朗、一种遥不可及却又令人醍醐灌顶的震撼。

  我估计熟悉这首歌的人一定立刻就知道了我在说什么,不错,我说的正是《The Music Of The Night》(夜之曲),音乐剧《The Phantom Of The Opera》(歌剧魅影)中的著名男声独唱片段。

  可怜我当时对韦伯的这部伟大作品一无所知,而我对这部作品的最早印象,也就是这么被 S 的模仿秀摧残带出来的。

  不过还好我记住了这个颇为绕口的音乐剧名字,这个旋律唱段也令我印象颇深。过了些日子之后,当我从 T 的实验室发现他居然有这张大碟的原声 CD,和他一起试听了几段,听他对此大加赞赏之后,就请他给我刻了一张。

  不过那时我还没有自己的 CD 机,这张碟在我的箱底,和很多到处搜集购买到的 CD 放在一起,悄无声息地闲了好久。

  直到上研的最后一年,家里买了 CD 机,才真正开始听这些积攒下来的碟,那些舒缓的民谣 CD 也还罢了,这张 Phantom 却是最不敢用大音量放的,因为序曲部分的节奏效果实在是太狂烈了,一播放就怕吓到家里人。每次都只敢开很小的音量,勉强能够听清楚而已。

  既便如此,我还是一下子就喜欢上了 Michael Crawford(迈克尔·克劳福德) 和 Sarah Brightman(莎拉·布莱曼)天作之合般的嗓音,对 Michael 的声音,更是钦佩得五体投地,用什么形容词才能形容出 Michael 版的魅影呢?刚劲之处是那样高亢雄浑、而柔情款款之处又是那般倾醉迷人,百炼刚化绕指柔,在他身上竟然能够如此完美地融合在一体,有人说,Michael Crawford 就是那个魅影的化身,他的声音就像 Voice Of God,一点都不夸张。

  其实我那时候既没有歌词页,也没有演员表,连男女演员到底叫什么名字都还不知道呢,更不用提大名鼎鼎的莎拉·布莱曼。过了多少年之后,莎拉早已被尊为流行乐、古典音乐跨界天后的时候,我偶尔才从她的个人资料里才了解到,她竟然是我那个听了多少年的 Phantom CD 里面,那个令人如痴如醉如梦如幻的克莉斯汀,韦伯经典音乐剧的一代名优女伶。

  可以说,听 Phantom 的那些年,我是从一种纯粹的喜欢角度去听的,完全不知道男女主角的名气,完全没有看过完整的歌词,完全没有深入了解故事背后的情节……然而我却听得如此陶醉、爱不释手、为音乐而感动——哦,那时的我,是如此的无知并幸福着。


  放一下这些久违的记忆吧,附贴那些网上找到的歌词——那真是精妙无比的歌词呢,可以抚摸吟唱无数遍,令人追思神往的片段。不过话说回来,相较当年为 The Music Of The Night 激动不已的感情,现在我却是最喜欢里面的男女声二重唱 "All I Ask Of You"了,难道说激情已经化作平和,或许我自己真的老了吧。

  (剧中多次唱到这首"All I Ask Of You",象征着剧中人之间纠缠复杂的感情。在第一幕中,罗尔并不害怕也不相信魅影的存在,唱出了剧中著名的“All I Ask of You”来安慰克莉丝汀,两人的心在这歌声中联系起来,产生了伟大的爱情。躲在一边的魅影看着他们离去,用同样的旋律唱出了他心中的伤痛,沙哑的声音一遍遍呼唤克莉丝汀的名字,但得不到回答,和两人幸福的背影形成了鲜明的对比……

  第二幕魅影化身上舞台与克莉丝汀合唱"The Point of No Return",在歌曲结尾,魅影情不自禁地唱出了高潮迭起的“All I Ask of You”片段,在魅影悲壮的歌声中,克莉丝汀鼓起了勇气,在众目睽睽之下将他的面具脱下……

  在本剧结尾处,华丽的音乐中,克莉丝汀亲吻了魅影的嘴唇,魅影也终于被这伟大爱情所感动和崩溃,他释放了罗尔,要求罗尔带着克莉丝汀立刻离开,把一切全都忘记。然后他面对心爱的八音盒,独自吟唱起象征告别、毁灭、和新生的咏叹调,也是最后的“All I Ask of You”,众人终于来到了这里,却已人去楼空,只在空荡荡的大厅里发现了一个面具……)


The Music Of The Night

  The Music Of The Night

  Night time sharpens, heightens each sensation 深夜里,每一种感觉都在渐渐复苏
  Darkness wakes and stirs imagination 黑暗唤醒并刺激着幻觉
  Silently the senses abandon their defenses 无声中,所有感官放下了防备
  Helpless to resist the notes I write 无法抗拒我笔下乐符的诱惑
  For I compose the music of the night 因为我谱写了夜之歌

  Slowly, gently, night unfurls its splendor 慢慢地,轻轻地,夜展现出了它的华丽
  Grasp it, sense it, tremulous and tender 捕捉它,感觉它,细微却令人震撼
  Hearing is believing, music is deceiving 听到的乐曲如此真实,但那音乐却似真似幻
  Hard as lightning, soft as candlelight 烈如闪电,柔若烛光
  Dare you trust the music of the night 无法致信的夜之歌

  Close your eyes for your eyes will only tell the truth 闭上你的双眼,因为你的眼睛只会告诉你真相
  And the truth isn't what you want to see 而真相却不是你所想要看见的
  In the dark it is easy to pretend 在黑暗中,伪装是多么的容易
  That the truth is what it ought to be 真理成为了臆想

  Softly, deftly, music shall caress you 温柔地,轻巧地,音乐将会抚慰你
  Hear it, feel it secretly possess you 聆听它,感觉它偷偷地控制了你
  Open up your mind, let your fantasies unwind 敞开你的胸怀,让你的幻想得到释放
  In this darkness which you know you cannot fight 在这你无法抗拒的黑暗中
  The darkness of the music of the night 这夜之歌中黑色的魔力

  Close your eyes, start a journey to a strange new world 闭上你的双眼,踏上向着一个新世界的旅程
  Leave all thoughts of the world you knew before 抛开你对于这个世界所有的思考
  Close your eyes and let music set you free 闭上你的双眼,让音乐将你释放
  Only then can you belong to me 唯有那样你才能属于我

  Floating, falling, sweet intoxication 时而漂游,时而旋落,甜蜜的陶醉中
  Touch me, trust me, savor each sensation 抚摸我,相信我,享受每一种感觉
  Let the dream begin, let your darker side give in 让梦境开始,让你阴暗的一面退却
  To the power of the music that I write 臣服于我的音乐之下
  The power of the music of the night 这夜之歌的魔力
  You alone can make my song take flight 惟有你可以使我的歌声飞扬
  Help me make the music of the night 帮助我写出这首夜之歌




  In sleep he sang to me, 睡眠中他对我唱到
  in dreams he came ... 潜入我梦中
  that voice which calls to me 那呼唤我的声音
  and speaks my name ... 叫着我的姓名
  And do I dream again? 我又一次身处幻境
  For now I find 此刻我发现
  the Phantom of the Opera is there - 那歌剧幽灵
  inside my mind ... 就在我脑海中浮现
  Sing once again with me 再与我歌一曲
  our strange duet ... 那奇妙的二重唱
  My power over you 我的力量附着你身
  grows stronger yet ... 愈发变强
  And though you turn from me, 虽然你转过身去
  to glance behind, 凝视身后
  the Phantom of the Opera is there - 那歌剧幽灵
  inside your mind ... 就在你脑海中浮现
  Those who have seen your face 那些见过你面目的人
  draw back in fear ... 在惊恐中退却
  I am the mask you wear ... 我是你脸上的面具
  It's me they hear ... 而歌唱的却是我
  Your/my spirit and your/my voice 你的/我的灵魂与你的/我的声音
  in one combined: 结合于一体
  the Phantom of the Opera is there - 那歌剧幽灵
  inside your/my mind ... 就在你/我脑海中浮现
  In all your fantasies, 在你所有的梦想中
  you always knew 你一直明白
  that man and mystery ... 那人与魅影
  ... were both in you ... 皆在你身
  And in this labyrinth, 在这座地宫中
  where night is blind, 伸手不见五指
  the Phantom of the Opera is there/here 那歌剧幽灵

  inside your/my mind ... 就在你/我脑海中浮现
  Sing,my angel of music 唱吧,我的音乐天使
  He's there, 他就在那里
  the Phantom of the Opera ... 那歌剧幽灵
  Beware, the Phantom of the Opera ... 看那,那歌剧幽灵 
  Sing for me Sing for me

Think Of Me

  Think Of Me

  Think of me, think of me fondly, 想起我,柔情地想起我  
  when we've said goodbye. 当我们已经说了再见
  Remember me, once in a while 想起我,即便只是偶尔的
  please promise me you'll try. 请答应我你会试着这样去做

  When you find that, once again, 当你再一次发现
  you long to take your heart back and be free 你不再需要爱而渴望自由
  if you ever find a moment, 如果你可以找到某一瞬间
  spare a thought for me... 分给我一点思念

  We've never said our love was evergreen, 我们从没说过我们的爱能永远
  or as unchanging as the sea 或像大海一样不会改变
  but if you can still remember, 但你若还能记得
  stop and think of me... 请停下来想想我

  Think of all the things we've shared and seen 想想我们一起分享经历过的美妙时光
  don't think about the way things might have been... 不要去想“如果怎样,或许会怎么样”

  Think of me, think of me waking, 想想我,在清醒的时候
  silent and resigned. 安静自然地想想我
  Imagine me, trying too hard to 想象着我,无论怎样努力
  put you from my mind. 也无法将你从记忆中抹去

  Recall those days, look back on all those times, 想起那些日子,回首过去那些时光
  think of the things we'll never do 想起我们还没来得及做的事情
  there will never be a day, 永远不会有那么一天
  when I won't think of you... 我没有在想你

  Can it be? 是这样吗?
  Can it be Christine? 是这样吗?克莉斯汀
  Bravo! 好啊!

  What a change! 这样的变化!
  You're really not a bit the gawkish girl that once you were... 你实在不再是曾经的那个傻女孩了
  She may not remember me, 她可能不会想起我
  but I remember her... 但我永远记着她

  We've never said our love was evergreen, 我们从没说过我们的爱能永远
  or as unchanging as the sea 或者像大海一样不会改变
  but if you can still remember, 但你若还能记得
  stop and think of me... 请停下来想想我

All I Ask Of You

  All I Ask Of You

  No more talk of darkness 暗夜不再提起
  Forget these wide-eyed fears. 驱散满眼恐惧,
  I'm here, nothing can harm you 有我,始终守护你
  My words will warm and calm you. 耳畔是温暖细语。
  Let me be your freedom, 给你自由羽翼,
  Let daylight dry your tears. 阳光拭干泪啼,
  I'm here, with you, beside you, 有我,和你在一起,
  To guard you and to guide you ... 指引你,方向坚定。
  Say you love me every waking moment, 说你爱我,无论何时梦醒,
  Turn my head with talk of summertime ...爱情盛放如夏日旖旎。
  Say you need me with you, now and always ...说你要我,一生永不分离,
  promise me that all you say is true 告诉我,眼神执着肯定,
  That’s all I ask of you ... 这是我唯一的要求。
  Let me be your shelter, 漫天风雪已起,
  Let me be your light. 你在我怀中避,
  You're safe: No-one will find you –道路不管多崎岖,
  Your fears are far behind you ... 都为你披荆斩棘。
  All I want is freedom, 不过自由光明,
  A world with no more night ... 为何心中未已。
  and you, always beside me, 只你,无尽地给予,
  To hold me and to hide me ... 似让我沐浴甘霖。
  Then say you'll share with me one love, one lifetime 共享爱的甘醇,共享这生命
  Let me lead you from your solitude ... 让我领你走出孤与寂。
  Say you need me with you here, beside you ... 我会陪你,此生此情不渝,
  anywhere you go, let me go too            就算天际,你我形影不离,
  Christine, that's all I ask of you ... 克莉斯汀,这是我唯一的要求。
  Say you'll share with me one love, one lifetime 共享爱情,共享这生命,
  Say the word and I will follow you ... 从今我将一直追随你,
  Share each day with me, each night, each morning ... 每个晨昏日夜都相依
  Say you love me ... 说你爱我……
  You know I do ... 我真爱你……
  Love me 爱我……
  That's all I ask of you ... 这是我唯一的要求。
  Anywhere you go let me go too ... 永相随,深情至死不移,
  Love me - that's all I ask of you ... 爱我,这是我唯一的要求……

2 评论:

  1. Neko Sensei 说...


  2. 流水弦歌 说...



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